Wednesday, January 10, 2007

11. Two papers in a forthcoming special issue of FSS

The forthcoming special issue of Fuzzy Sets and Systems on Fundamentals of fuzzy logic and soft computing and some applications, edited by Yingming Liu, Mingsheng Ying and Guoqing Chen, will contain seven selected papers from the 11th World Congress of IFSA (Beijing, 2005).

Two of those papers are relevant to this blog:

Representation theorems, set-valued and fuzzy set-valued Ito integral
Shoumei Li and Aihong Ren

Probabilistic foundations for measurement modelling with fuzzy random variables
Pedro Terán

I'll try to talk Shoumei and Aihong into uploading theirs.

Open-minded readers are urged not to miss Ulrich Höhle's two-part paper on the relationship between fuzzy set theory and sheaf theory, to appear in FSS. Update: FSS 158 (11), 1143-1174 and 1175-1212.

Readers are reminded that I gladly accept link submissions.


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